A little boy decides to buy a lonely police officer a gift using the money he had set aside for his mother’s birthday. Two police cars arrive at his house the following day.

Dean lacked his father. Not a day went by that Dean didn’t think of Officer Frank O’Neal, his smile, and his laugh, who had died in the line of duty six months prior. Dean’s mother, Amy, relocated the family to California when Frank passed away so they could escape the painful memories. What makes Dean’s […]

Her son came home with a red mark on his face, so she rushed him to the Emergency Room. This is scary stuff for parents everywhere.

During the flu season, which is currently in full swing across most of the United States, it appears that no family can avoid their tiny children becoming ill. Because children tend to bounce back so rapidly, we can’t always tell if they’re sick or not because they appear fine one minute and then collapse the […]