The Little Girl From Waterworld Grew Up To Be So Stunning

Tina Majorino, known for her roles in “Waterworld” and “Alice in Wonderland,” has had a dynamic career spanning various genres and mediums. Here’s a look at what she’s been up to recently:
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Recent Projects

  1. Television: Majorino has continued to work in television, appearing in series such as “Scorpion” (2014-2018), where she played Florence, and guest-starring in shows like “Veronica Mars” (a role she reprised in the 2019 revival).
  2. Film: She has also taken on roles in smaller films, though her focus has leaned more towards television in recent years.
  3. Podcasting: Majorino has ventured into the world of podcasting, co-hosting the show “No Pressure” with her brother Kevin Majorino. This podcast explores a range of topics and showcases her engaging personality outside of acting.
  4. Personal Projects: Tina Majorino has been involved in personal and creative projects, including writing and potentially exploring new ventures behind the camera.

Majorino’s versatility as an actress and her willingness to explore new mediums have kept her in the public eye, even if her roles are less high-profile than in her earlier career.

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