‘My Husband Yelled At Me And Accused Me Of Violating His Privacy After I Checked His Pockets Before Washing His Clothes’

A distraught woman has spoken out and sought advice after getting scolded by her angry husband who accused her of violating his privacy.

As the 33-year-old lady in question revealed, she was “caught red-handed” by her husband while going through his pockets before doing the laundry to make sure nothing was left behind.

While the wife didn’t think much of her actions, she seems to have upset her partner who went on to yell at the woman and tell her she has “no respect” for his privacy.


Attempting to fix the conflict, the woman explained that she was simply worried something important would be left in the man’s pockets and ruined by water during the washing.

Refusing to budge, the man then continued to pout and went on to buy himself a separate closet for his clothes only. He allegedly also put on a lock that only he can open.

“I grabbed his work pants and digged my hand in its pockets to empty them before putting it in the washing machine like I always do,” the wife explained in her viral Reddit post.


“My husband just happened to walk by and he rushed in yelling at me to put his pants down. I had found a folded piece of paper but he snatched it then started screaming at me about how I have no respect for his privacy and that I shouldn’t be getting my hands on his things.”

She continued: “I said important documents shouldn’t be inside his pockets and asked to see the paper but he said he won’t show me.

“He said I don’t get to ask him jack s**t after I disrespected his privacy. I almost laughed because what privacy does he have in pockets? It wasn’t like a stranger was digging into them.”

Asking the internet for advice, the woman received plenty of responses from people who blasted the husband and suggested he’s likely cheating on her.


“I bet he would be yelling at her for not looking through the pockets if a watch, a pair of headphones, or a pen had gone through the wash,” someone wrote.

“He’s 100% cheating on you,” another said.

A third suggested: “It’s completely normal to go through pockets when doing the laundry, either to take out forgotten cash or receipts.”

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