(VIDEO)Little Dancers Step on Stage and Completely Steal the Show

Meet Yasha Jeltuhin and Daniela Avanzini, the pint-sized 4 and 5-year-olds taking the dancing world by storm.

This duo competing at the “Atlanta Open Dancesport Spectacular” not only picked one of the hardest dances to perform and compete in but also took on a room full of adults.

Dancing kids

This adorable little couple was dwarfed by their adult competitors, but this didn’t phase them one little bit…

As soon as the music started, they had the audience in the palm of their tiny little hands. The timing that this amazing pair showed put some of the adults to shame, it was as if they had been dancing together for years. Their execution of some of the complicated movements was flawless, and the crowd just fell in love with them.

It’s like watching two old professionals, the unison between their bodies, their perfect footwork, their effortless spins, dips, and twists were just masterful, and the whole time, never taking their eyes off of each other.

The audience was certainly no distraction for these tiny dancers, and the by the end of the routine the crowd all stood as one to applaud the amazing show that they had all just seen.

Yasha and Daniela just took all the adulation in their stride. After all, they were old hands at this game and had the confidence of a couple much their senior.

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