This Girl Was Abused While Locked up in an Institution — She Got Free, Became a Millionaire & Found Family Bliss

The little girl in the cover image grew up to be a world-famous and successful millionaire who is revered as a pop culture icon. However, before achieving the incredible things she has, a considerable part of her life was embedded in a very dark and disturbing space.

Unbeknownst to the public and her loved ones, the star went through an extremely traumatic time during her formative years when she was an adolescent. Recently, having published a memoir about her life, the famous media personality has opened up about her past.

The great-granddaughter of an iconic hotel tycoon, the blonde beauty stems from a well-off family. She was born on February 17, 1981, in New York City to a dad who is a businessman and property developer and a mom who used to be a child actress. As such, her and her siblings’ childhoods were characterized by incredible privilege.

However, everything changed when she got older. Through ages 16 to 18, the girl was sent to multiple pricey schools for troubled youth that focused on behavioral modification programs. Her parents had been the ones to make the decision to send her away.Though their choice ended up eliciting traumatic events, they only had the purest intentions in the hopes that the tough-love attitude that the schools offered would instill some discipline into their daughter, who was rebelling quite often then. They didn’t know it at that point, but a big reason, as cited by the star herself, for her acting out was as a result of her ADHD diagnosis.

One of the schools that sits at the top of the list of places that dealt her the most trauma is a treatment institution located in Utah called Provo Canyon School. She spent several months here.In a recent interview where the media mogul discussed her book and life story, she recalled the traumatic events that happened to her. She explained that two men entered her room one night to take her to the boarding school. Initially, she thought she was being kidnapped.

Recounting her devastating story, the millionaire expressed how the living conditions at the school were hell on earth, constantly. Of her traumatic experience, she divulged:

“Every day, just getting verbally, physically, psychologically, sexually abused and this is happening to hundreds of thousands of children who are still in these places right now.”

At times, her terrifying experiences would land her in solitary confinement, where they would take her and lock her in a room by herself. She said they would lock her there as a result of her refusal to take the medication that they would force-feed the kids

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