They Said 2nd Grader Could Never Sound Like Johnny Cash, And Then He Picked Up His Guitar

We have become very familiar in recent years with talented individuals. We’ve always known them in our local area but thanks to talent shows on TV, we see some amazing people from around the world performing in ways we had never seen before.

The Internet has also introduced us to many people that are extremely talented. Some of them come as quite a surprise, and that is the case with the little kid in this video.

When he went up on the stage holding a guitar, it almost looked like he could barely hold onto it. After all, he was only in second grade and the guitar was regular-sized.

I don’t know about you, but I would have difficulty standing in front of a group of people and singing. He did look a little nervous, but I would say he did better than most adults would do in this situation.

When he was at the microphone, he started to calm down and then announced the song he was singing. It was now his time to show the world just how much talent he had.

The second-grader played the guitar and sang a song by Johnny Cash. Although he remains unnamed, somebody did call out the name John from the audience, but they were probably talking about Johnny Cash.

People were thrilled at the beginning of the performance but as it continued, they just got more and more impressed. I’m sure that you will be impressed when you hear it as well in the following video:

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