A Navy Dad Returns Home to His Newborn Son, Turns To Face His Wife, And Says Four Unexpected Words

Military families go through hardship every time their family member goes on a tour of duty. When military personnel get shipped overseas, they must say goodbye to their loved ones, perhaps for the final time.

Knowing that the family may never be reunited again is a challenging circumstance to wrap one’s head around. While they’re away on duty, they must deal with life-and-death situations all while fighting and struggling to get home to see their loved ones again.

And the people left at home don’t have it much easier. They must handle all of life’s challenges alone and without the support of their loved one nearby. While modern technology like video calls have made it much easier for families to stay connected while serving in the military overseas, it is still quite challenging. And the same goes for Lt. Michael Lemmons in the United States Navy.

While Lemmons was overseas, his wife gave birth to their son. But Lemmons was not alone. He was with twenty-seven other crew members who all missed the birth of their babies. They were eager to be released so they could see their family again and meet the new addition to their brood.

In the heartwarming video, watch as Lemmons’s eyes light up when he sees his wife waiting for him on the dock. As soon as he sees her among the crowd, he dashes over to meet her and his newborn baby.

She held their newborn son in her arms. He was tiny, adorable, and amazing.

But before Lemmons could hold back the emotion, he blurted out, “He’s perfect. Thank you.”

Because he was not home with her while she endured the trial of childbirth, he wanted to show his gratitude toward his wife for holding down the fort at home. He understands that it is not easy to raise a family all alone.

When she heard him express his gratitude, tears formed in her eyes and she began to weep. The recognition was all she wanted to here. She knew she was doing a lot while her husband served the country. But her contribution was also quite magnificent although it is not as visible to the outsider.

With their newborn between them, Lemmons and his wife held each other in their arms. Now that daddy had finally come home from his military service, the family unit was united and could work together to strengthen their bonds again.

Because Lt. Lemmons can never stay home for long, he wants to soak up the moments with his wife and newborn son while he can. Because Uncle Sam needs his help very soon and Lemmons is eager to serve his country.

Viewers like you left comments on YouTube about Lt. Lemmons meeting his son.

“My husband was aboard the US Bataan when they were deployed for ten 1/2mns. They had around 150 new dads when they got home and from my understanding that wasn’t including the Marines.”

What do you think about how this Navy dad responded to his newborn son?

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