An employee of Delta Airlines puts a trans activist in his or her place after the activist harasses him or her about pronouns.

On Christmas, many hardly have the patience to travel. Individuals employed with airlines? Not one f*ck. An airline employee is not the guy you are looking for if you are a transactivist seeking content that says, “OMG, I WAS MISGENDERED.” even if you wish to be that bitch but you’re that dude.

The alleged misgendering escaped our notice. Only after “she” was referred to as “he” did the activist pull out her phone and begin recording. “And what happens if a Delta worker purposefully misgenders you?”

The thumbnail of this piece may have hinted at how much work the word “intentionally” is doing. Some grace should be extended when everything about you shouts “you’re a guy,” aside from your insistence on being referred to as a girl.
At LaGuardia, today is quite hectic. Errors occur. Even so, the clerk was prepared to own his mistakes. To his credit, the clerk still had a single f*ck to give, but it wasn’t enough. “It wasn’t intentional, but it’s also acceptable if you choose to take it personally.”

The activist desired to assign blame. Or, for the sake of TikTok, wanted to seem to take it seriously at the very least. And the one and only f—ck the clerk on Delta Airlines had to give? It boarded the subsequent aircraft.

You’re being patronizing, and if you want to play that game with me, I’m quite capable of escorting you out of the building. Do you want to go on for three days more before Christmas. I really don’t mind. ?

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