She Said She Didn’t “Feel Like A Boy”

After their 8-year-old daughter stated she didn’t “feel like a boy,” the parents threw a “gender reveal” party for her.
Despite being born into a masculine body, a young Canadian girl confided in her parents at the age of six, expressing that she did not feel like a boy. Ella Scott, who was six years old at the time, told her parents that she wished she was a female because she felt like a girl. The eight-year-old girl is living the life she desires now that she can be a girl, so she celebrated her new gender with a gender reveal party.

Ella’s parents assumed she was going through a phase that would end quickly when she first informed them she wanted to be a female. Nikki, the mother of 38 years, and Graham, her father of 39, quickly came to terms with the fact that their child was a transgender young person and that this was not a passing phase. Ella’s parents accepted her wish to become a girl and celebrated her transition by throwing a party for her, rather than trying to override their biological boy’s decision.

“With Ella, it seems like she always knew, but we just didn’t,” Nikki remarked. Since she was constantly playing with Frozen toys and making friends with girls, we always thought she was a little odd when she was younger. There are two more kids that I have.

Ella’s mother claimed that even though the gender reveal celebration didn’t take place until Ella was eight years old, the young girl’s journey from being a boy to a girl started at the age of six.

At six years old, according to Nikki, she wanted to start dressing more like a girl and wear dresses and skirts. Admittedly, I had hoped it was only a phase. We let Ella choose her own costume one Halloween; she wanted to be a cat, so she dressed like one by wearing a skirt and cat ears. Ella didn’t know how to respond, so we read her literature on transgender people since neither of us knew what the proper course of action was. In due course,

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