Mom is hospitalized after suffering a stroke; days later, her husband…

Life is difficult because people confront numerous problems on a daily basis. It is also unexpected, as events can occur in an instant with little notice.

This is exactly what happened to a woman who had a stroke that flipped her world upside down, but it was not the only calamitous event that occurred to her during what was likely her lowest period in life.

According to an August 2017 report in The Sun, a woman named Riona Kelly was transported to the hospital in March 2015.

Doctors discovered at the time that she had suffered from a spinal stroke, presumably caused by an automobile accident 18 months before to her hospitalization that left the lower half of her body paralyzed.

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Not only that, but medical specialists told her that following the dreadful news, she might never be able to walk again.

Five days after she was sent to the hospital, another sad event occurred when the person who was supposed to be by her side during her darkest hour, her 14-year-old husband, requested a divorce. The couple shared four children.

«After my husband left me in hospital, my friend, Sarah, became my next of kin, it was her and the children that supported me during my recovery,» Kelly went on to say.

Kelly had to adjust to her new life after being released from the hospital because she was confined to a wheelchair. Not only that, but she revealed that there was a time when she despised herself. Fortunately, Kelly was able to overcome this difficult period in her life.

She had lost all hope to the point where she preferred to be dead rather than suffer from her health issues.

«If someone had given me the choice I would have ended my life, I didn’t want to live anymore,» she went on to say.

Kelly was able to recuperate and take her first steps with the support of a parallel bar after months of rehabilitation.

Not only that, but she met her new love, personal trainer and former rugby athlete Keith Mason, throughout her recuperation process.

«After our sessions, Keith and I stayed in contact, he would ask me how I was getting on and our relationship blossomed from there,» she went on to say.

The two stayed in touch, and their friendship eventually blossomed into a sexual connection.

«We’ve been together for 11 months, the kids adore him, and I finally feel like I’m living the life I deserve,» she stated during the interview.

Kelly achieved a full recovery as well, as she was able to walk without assistance and attend the gym, and Mason helped her get «better and stronger than ever.»

Unfortunately, the couple’s romance did not appear to survive because, as of 2023, Kelly looked to be in a relationship with a man named John Murdoch, and they frequently shared stuff on social media together.

Regardless, Kelly appeared to be in good spirits and enjoying life with her children based on her social media presence as of 2022.

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