Wife Discovers Strange Feminine Items in Her House, Installs Hidden Camera to Uncover the Truth — Story of the Day

Carly stumbled upon a makeup bag in her home, one she didn’t recognize. Puzzled and concerned, she asked her husband about it. He quickly came up with a story, saying it was his mother’s. But Carly had her doubts, so she decided to set up a hidden camera in their bedroom. Carly tiptoed around her bedroom, soaking in the quiet. She looked at her baby boy, sleeping so peacefully, and felt a bit better despite the troubles in her married life. Things weren’t great between her and Josh. Their love wasn’t what it used to be, but her son made everything seem fine.While cleaning up, Carly found a makeup bag under the bed, which was pretty but unfamiliar. Maybe her husband was trying to surprise her?

But the used makeup inside told her something was wrong. Carly decided she needed to talk to Josh. “Josh, could you come here?” she asked as he walked into the kitchen. She showed him the makeup bag. “Is there something you need to tell me?” Josh looked confused. “Is that new? Did you buy it?” he asked, looking at the bag. “It’s not mine, Josh. Where did it come from?” Carly watched his face, hoping for some truth. Josh seemed genuinely puzzled. “I’ve never seen it before. Whose is it?”

Carly took a deep, shaky breath, knowing her next words could change everything. “Josh, are you cheating on me?” she asked. “What? You-you’re insane, Carly! It’s probably my mom’s. She was here the other day. Must’ve forgotten it.” Carly’s heart sank. “Josh, I know what your mom’s makeup looks like. This isn’t hers.””But it has to be,” Josh insisted. He quickly grabbed the makeup bag as if removing it from sight might end the conversation. “I’ll just give it back to her the next time we see her,” he added before hastily leaving the kitchen. Carly was left alone, feeling confused and sad. She decided to find out the truth herself. She went up to the attic and found an old camera they used to love. With the camera in hand, Carly went to their bedroom and set it up, hiding it behind a wedding photo. Her hands were shaking as she did that. “I need to know the truth,” she whispered to herself. Before leaving the room, Carly looked at their wedding picture. Were we ever truly happy? Then, she texted Josh: Going out to shop. Will be back late. * The shopping was a blur, Carly’s mind elsewhere. As evening approached, she felt a knot of anxiety; it was almost time to return home and face whatever the camera had captured. Back home, after settling her son, Carly’s heart raced as she retrieved the camera from the bedroom. The laptop before her, she inserted the memory card and fast-forwarded through the footage until Josh and a young girl appeared. The girl casually threw a jacket over their wedding photo, obscuring the camera.

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