A teenager coughing asks her father to take her to the hospital. Within hours, the truth is revealed

Throughout the winter season, individuals frequently encounter maladies. Curiously, they often postpone seeking medical attention, especially when the sole symptom is a persistent cough.

Inevitably, each person experiences being unwell, undergoing a period of recuperation, and eventually regaining good health.

Nevertheless, if prolonged illness and persistent symptoms persist, it would be prudent to at least seek guidance by contacting a medical helpline.

While it is accurate that the human body can often combat flu and colds unaided, there arise instances when the cough one experiences may originate from something far more sinister than a mere virus.

Shayla Mitchell, aged 16, found herself tormented by an unceasing, unsettling cough. She initially suspected sinusitis might be to blame.

However, the discomfort became so unbearable that she implored her father, Tom, to take her to see a doctor.

Tom willingly complied, and the following day after school, he collected his daughter and accompanied her to the hospital. Following the medical visit, they decided to share a meal together, albeit at the hospital rather than a restaurant.

After examining Shayla, the doctor momentarily left the room. Upon his return, he conveyed news that would forever alter her life.

Shayla’s malignant tumor was of such colossal proportions that it engulfed over two-thirds of her breasts. Her prolonged suffering and incessant cough had even resulted in the collapse of one of her lungs.

Notwithstanding the distressing diagnosis, Shayla and her father chose to proceed with their dinner, albeit at the hospital’s pediatric oncology unit rather than an external venue. Little did they know that the subsequent 450 meals would transpire within the confines of the hospital.

The outlook for Shayla’s advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma was far from promising.

Tom resolved to demonstrate unwavering support for his daughter under any circumstance. He vowed to wear a matching ring every day until Shayla conquered the disease and went on to purchase one for each of them.

Countless nights were spent by Tom’s side as he navigated the harrowing journey with his daughter.

Shayla underwent a cardiac arrest, endured hundreds of tests, received blood transfusions, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Yet, she persisted in her struggle.

Tom, too, experienced considerable discomfort. He remained steadfast, witnessing her moments of tears, laughter, and bouts of vomiting, all the while holding her hair.

Eventually, the day arrived when the medical professionals realized that no further treatments could be administered to Shayla. The bone marrow transplant had been unsuccessful, and her body failed to respond to the medication.

On the Love What Matters Facebook page, Tom shared the following poignant reflection:

“How in the world was I supposed to have this conversation with my darling daughter? How on earth would I have the courage to tell my daughter that she would die? I once heard a saying that, to me, pretty much sums everything up. Can a guy be brave while yet being afraid?… The only time he CAN be brave is then.”

“For HER, I knew I had to show courage. As impossible as it may sound, I did have that talk with her, and it ended up being the most incredible, lovely, magical, great conversation I have ever had in my whole life—and one that I sincerely hope you NEVER EVER have to have.”

In a soft whisper, Tom’s daughter responded, asking, “Am I still brave, Dad?”

As he looked into her eyes, Tom recognized the immense suffering she had endured. He came to realize that she had fought not only for herself but for him all along.

Shortly thereafter, Shayla passed away. Tom was devastated, but he clung to one unwavering belief: Shayla had fought long and valiantly, staying true to her word until the very end.

In remembrance of Shayla and all the other children who have lost their lives to cancer, we kindly ask you to share this heartfelt story with your Facebook friends.

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