Why Corn Was Sewn Into Wedding Dresses

Symbolism of Corn in Wedding Attire

The tradition of sewing small kernels of corn into wedding dresses is a charming custom with roots in cultural history. Though not widely known, it carries mystical significance.

Significance of Corn

Corn, a staple crop, symbolizes growth, nourishment, and abundance across various civilizations. Its incorporation into bridal attire was believed to bestow fertility and good fortune upon the newlyweds.

Cultural Symbolism

In many cultures, corn holds symbolic importance, representing fertility and abundance. Some Native American tribes, for instance, consider corn as one of the Three Sisters, essential for their agriculture and diet, and integral to rituals and ceremonies.

Historical Predecessors

These customs serve as precursors to modern wedding traditions, such as tossing rice or the bride carrying items symbolizing luck and prosperity.

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